Blu-ray Releases for February & March!

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*Check out our other Release Date Pages: Blu-ray & DVD, Theatrical,

There are plenty of Must Own Blu-ray & DVD titles hitting shelves over the next two months,

The ones that we'll be focusing on first are Synapse's Steelbook version of the Argento classic, Tenebre, which is our most coveted; 80's sleazy Slasher, Pieces, which is close behind; Lucio Fulci's Giallo, A Lizard in a Woman's Skin; Arrow's release of 80's Slasher, The Mutilator; and Wes Craven's The Serpent and the Rainbow.

As far as Non-Horror titles go, Spectre, Black Mass, Game of Thrones (S2), Fargo (S2), and the long awaited Blu-ray release of Freaks & Geeks will be added to our collection.

And those are only the ones we want the most.

  • You can click any of the pics below to order yourself some movies, or click the banner above to check out our full Blu-ray & DVD Release Dates List.

  • If you aren't already a member, you should really give Amazon Prime a shot, especially if you order movies on the regular like we do, because the free two-day shipping pays for itself after around 10 orders. Check it out for free HERE.

FebFromHellLastCrimsonFreaksLizardSpectreBlackLAMutilator22bChildrenDemonoidFargoSerpentTenebreVictorMarchBoyPiecesSinful2TribeGame of ThronesLadyDisturbingFearFreaksHungermCherry

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