Trailer: Cabin Fever (2016)
"Cabin Fever follows in Eli Roth’s original footsteps when a group of college students, who rent a cabin in the woods to do some partying, begin to fall victim to a flesh-eating virus and all hell breaks loose."

Another day, another Horror remake... only this one actually looks like it might be pretty good.

The original Cabin Fever is not perfect by any means, but we've always liked it for being a quirky, bloody good time. In all honesty though, a remake doesn't sound like the worst idea in the world; especially if it's done with a decent budget, and it's handled with care.

If the trailer is any indication, we could be in for a good time with this one.

Check it out below.

Cabin Fever will be available on VOD & in Limited Theatrical release on February 12th.

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